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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

whats going to happen in future
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  1. Image result for all iot devicesHumans will be cloned, and some people are going to hate it

    This prediction comes from 'futurist speaker' Thomas Frey, who's got a massive list of things he believes will happen in the next 20 years. One very plausible claim he makes is that by 2030, "A new protest group will have emerged that holds anti-cloning rallies, demonstrating against the creation of 'soul-less humans.'"
    While we know that human cloning is on the horizon, the corollary - that there will be people who find it as objectionable and immoral as abortion - is absolutely inevitable. There will be significant and lengthy debates over the ethics of human cloning, and the vicars are bound to get their knickers in a twist about it.
  2. 2We will have solved AIDS

    AIDS is a dickhead. And Tachi Yamada, who is the president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation global health programme, believes that in the next 25 years we will have developed a vaccine against it. He's a good boy, Tachi. "With the encouraging results of the RV144 Aids vaccine trial in Thailand, we now know that an Aids vaccine is possible," he says.
    Only yesterday, a researcher received $4.5 million in grantsfrom the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in order to develop an HIV/AIDS vaccine. 35 million worldwide are affected by the disease. The professor who will lead the initiative called HIV "the Mount Everest of viruses".
    A cure is on the horizon, people. And we're sprinting towards it.
  3. 3Computers will be as intelligent as human brains
    We all know that we need to get along with computers because one day they will be our overlords. Well, it might be happening even sooner than you imagined.
    According to Singularity Hub, "In 2025, $1,000 should buy you a computer able to calculate at 10^16 cycles per second (10,000 trillion cycles per second), the equivalent processing speed of the human brain."
  4. 4Cash will no longer exist
    If I'm wrong, this'll be on my head. But I'm sure that before 2035 we won't be using cash any more. Contactless payment already exists and is as addictive as a pack of salt and vinegar Pringles; already people are paying for their Tube journeys with Apple Pay; how long will it be before fiddly, dirty old notes and coins are a thing of the past?
    In all honesty it's a surprise it hasn't happened by 2015. Cash looks increasingly anachronistic and I predict that 2028 will be its last year on this sweet earth of ours. By then we'll be paying for everything with lasers that shoot out of our noses.
  5. 5Weed will be legal in all of the US and half of other foreign countries

    Currently, in all but a handful of American states, marijuana is illegal to sell, grow, transport or possess. (In case you're interested, the highest states are Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska.)
    But we are seeing a shift take place in attitudes toward the drug; it is very likely that in the next 20 years the medicinal benefits of marijuana will be brought to the fore, and drug users will be treated less as criminals, and more as 'sick people', in line with Portugal's comparatively relaxed drug policy.

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