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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

how to change yourself with modern world
Mahatma Gandhi said, “The word ‘change’ is a very versatile concept in the world.Image result for how to change yourself with modern world  Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”  Leo Tolstoy said that “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Nelson Mandela mentioned that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”  Albert Einstein suggested,  “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking.
most people feel dissatisfied with their lives or even themselves at some point. If you feel like you need a fundamental change to who you are, you are in luck; you can change! Major change can seem daunting, but it is entirely possible if you are willing to set and stick with clear goals. Changing what you do can ultimately lead to a change in how you perceive yourself overall.Image result for how to change yourself with modern world
It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”  Andy Warhol commented, “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” Taylor Swift noted that “This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.”  Kiran Desai described that “The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind.” George Bernard Shaw observed that “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” Mother Teresa explained that “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Wayne W. Dyer said that “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” Philip Pullman said, “You cannot change what you are, only what you do.” The philosophy of Karl Marx was that “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.” Nicholas Sparks advised that “Things changed, people changed, and the world went rolling along right outside the window.”

In this perception, a theory of change (TOC) is the product of a series of critical-thinking exercises and provides a comprehensive picture of the early and intermediate term changes in a given community that are needed to reach a long-term goal articulated by the community. The main theme of theory about change is to encourage people to change themselves in such a way so that they can create the future as a long term vision. The mentality and response to change of the people may be positive or negative. Surprisingly, change may itself in some cases be positive and in the rest of the cases it may be negative, depending on the consequences after change. The universal debate of the recent world is that if the mentality of the people be changed by a change. The rate of change may be slow or fast based on the nature or trends of change.Image result for how to change yourself with modern world

The other psychology is that people may bring the change to create the situation that may proof themselves as victories. But it’s difficult to say what will happen in future.

Recently technological change becomes the most prominent issue of the world. The adaptation process or coping with the change is the main concern. Some steady conditions are required to accommodate change and this is the built-up thing in a process. However, steady in this case is more dynamic in nature rather than static. People always think about the present and future rather than past. On 21 February 1804 the world’s first railway journey took place when Trevithick’s unnamed steam locomotive hauled a train withal the tramway of the Penydarren ironworks, near MerthyrTydfil in South Wales. But the history of train is reverted steadily by taking the wholesomeness of wide technology. Of undertow trains can’t fly over oceans like airplanes. But that doesn’t midpoint trains can’t run as fast as planes. Fortunately, some trains in this modern world are as fast as planes. Shanghai Maglev is the fastest train in the world with a maximum operating speed of 267.8 mph. China railways Harmony CRH 380A is the second fastest operating train service in the world. The E5 series Shinkansen Hayabusa is the fastest upper speed train service in Japan today. This train service started on 5th march 2011 and operated by the East Japan railway company. E5 series train is operated between Tokyo and Aomory. At top speed of 198.8 mph, the E5 series Shinkansen would reach Shin-Aomory station from Tokyo (distance 444.28 mi) in just 2 hours and 56 minutes. But first generation of ideas was the basis of modern technology. No one can avoid technological change. PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) has wide range of applications in industrial and manufacturing automation systems for improving operational availability and increased productivity.Image result for how to change yourself with modern world

Modern industries have concentrated on increasing production rates without compromising product quality. PLCs are advanced concepts of industries, which are used to reduce time and cost of mass production of products as well as to creative innovative ideas for new products. Applications of the PLCs vary from simple stand-alone installations to complex machine control. If an industry has decided to use PLC controlled machine instead of old technology, this is a change. Researchers have analysed that there are two different perceptions of people. One group of people has taken changes as a challenge and they prepare themselves for the use of new technology. They are optimistic in nature. But the other group thinks reversely to say, “No, this is a burden or overwhelming situation for us and it is not acceptable”. They are the people who are pessimistic in nature. This negative response to change creates stress on their brain. There is a stress versus performance curve for realising human psychology. In certain extent, stress is desirable for job performance but if stress increases more, it may decline job performance. The causes of stress can be mentioned as stressors and it can be single or combined. Another reaction to change is frustration. Frustration is the blocking of behaviour towards the achievement of the goal. The defence mechanisms against the frustration cause adverse effect on the human psychology. But the best solution to this problem is to change the person himself with technological changes. In global politics, the unbelievable results of US elections are considered as a surprising change of the history. The people of US believe that seven policies of Donald Trump could change the USA. Trade, foreign policy, healthcare, tax policy, Supreme Court, climate change, immigration policies are considered for future trends of barometric level of USA. Image result for how to change yourself with modern worldThe most controversial issue was immigration. The “Financial Times” of USA reported that “This is the issue that excited most passions in the campaign, both among Mr Trump’s supporters and among Hispanic voters eager to prevent him from taking the White House. Mrs Clinton and Mr Obama had backed comprehensive reforms that would give illegal immigrants a chance at full citizenship. Mr Trump has campaigned on his pledge to build a wall on the Mexican border, called for a ban on Muslim immigration and the deportation of 11m unauthorised immigrants. However, he has subsequently made more ambiguous statements, promising instead “extreme vetting” and declining to clarify his precise plans for undocumented immigrants.” US’s treaty agreements with Nato allies do not pay their own way while proposing a much more proximate relation and communication with Russian President Vladimir Putin are some surprising changes of foreign policy of Donald Trump. But it’s difficult to predict in advance what will be the consequences of some aggressive commitments of Donald Trump after assumption of power. After elected as a Prime Minister of India,  Narendra Modi declared that  “A nation which is divided because of reasons like caste and religion cannot achieve great things.” This can be explained as a positive change of a responsible personality with the concept of “Esprit De Corps”. There is an interesting story in which Narendra Modi said “I was born in a very poor family. I used to sell tea in a railway coach as a child. My mother used to wash utensils and do lowly household work in the houses of others to earn a livelihood.” Image result for how to change yourself with modern world

He also expressed wiping his eyes that “My entire childhood was steeped in poverty. For me, poverty, in a way, was the first inspiration of my life, a commitment to do something for the poor.” In fact, poverty has changed his life dramatically. Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam described that “Poverty as an Honour” in his reputed poem. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam mentioned that “Dream, Dream Dream, Dreams transform into thoughts. And thoughts result in action.” And the revolution in thoughts changes a person and this is the main theme of success. In reality, without continuous research and development, no organisation can be excited. The change in the economy as well as industry can only be possible by the R&D. Therefore, thoughts must be directed towards changes and only constructive changes can change man. Raja Ram Mohan Roy is recognised as the pioneer of modern Indian Renaissance for his significant contributions to reforms in the period of the 18th century India. The major one is the change in the wrong concept of  satidaha-pratha – a tradition  in which widows were compelled to sacrifice themselves on the funeral pyre of their husbands, was the prominent. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was an example of changing the destructive culture of the society. If the culture is destructive for the society, it should be changed. After declaration of “Ebarer sangram amader muktir sangram – ebarer sangram swadhinatar sangram” by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, people changed their mentality for an independent Bangladesh. This is the beginning for the change of the history and the nation. Change is change and if people want to change society, they need to change themselves first. Then the history and culture of the change can be written in the era of modern civilisation.

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