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Monday, October 23, 2017



Image result for nanotechnology application
 We can't imagine into how many fields this nanotechnology has entered.Nanotechnology has the vast diversity in many fields.

  This nano particles are about the size of the molecules and can be incorporated in vast variety of products and fields.

  The main reason for the development of nanotechnology is about nano particles  to make materials or things  increase  in strength,durability,stiffness,tensile strength,long losting ,high performance ,low cost manufacturing,light weight and lot more.

 Few examples of this nano particles are titanium dioxide,aluminium particles,copper particles,carbon,silicon particles.....

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The main aim of this technolgy is even to make products as small as a few nanometers in length.
 This nano field has many diversities and penetrated into even more fields.

 The extensive use of nanotechnology is growing in industrial fields were lot of things are daily discovered by incorporating this nano particles into materials.Around 900 new products were discovered by the use of this technology and even around 3-4 new products were entering into market into weekly bias.

   The fields that associated with this nanotechnology are

1.nano biotechnolgy.
2.nano technology in medical field.
3.applictions of nanotechnology in energy .
4.Industry oriented applications.
5.Green nano technology about environment.

 Even more field are advancing using this nano sort of techniques.
  This technology mainly used for industrial purposes and commercially availabe.
 Several goods and machinaries were being under development.

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    industries which uses nanotechnology is mainly

 1.military purposes

 In which nanoparticles are injected into uniform of milllitary soldiers which give protection from high temerature and vulnerable conditions.
This nano particles get surrounded around when impact occurs in soldiers uniform and gives additional strength

on impact area by grouping tightly this nano particles.

 This nano particles even diagnose situation of soldiers and tightly hold the injured area and release drugs such as pain killers not to worsen the soldiers condition until rescue teams comes to the area.Image result for nanotechnology application

  This nano partiles can even communicate with each other with differing wavelengths and infrares signature. so that no third person can hear their conversion.
Some more advanced technology in this field has proven that Change in colour of uniform takes place according to place an d conditions automatically.

2.In food industry

This nanotechnology mainly help people to manufacture high quality safe food by detecting bacteria and monitering food conditions with biosensors.

 Smart food processing systems  and encapsulation of compounds of bioactive foods are the emerging areas of research in this field.

Silver nano particles are placed inside food packegingto lower oxidation of food and increase life of food particles.

According to food ,drug ,cosmetic actnadn FDA modernization act of 1997.
 The food should not be aldulterated by adding harmful additives interms of food colour and taste.

 New food were discovered such as Canola active oil,nanotea,chocolate slim shake in which nanodrops additive were added which supplies vitamins and minerals.Image result for nanotechnology application

 3.Consumer Goods mainly about surface and coating.

Used in ceramic or glasses to improve smoothness and hat resist o flat iron a common household equipment.

4,nano optics were increasing to precise the pupile repair effectively and curate in laser eye treatment.

5.In textile field

where clothes were manufactured from nano fibres which is effective to water and wrinkle,light.This nano fibres contains carbon particles which give full surface protection from electrostatic charges.


sunscreen manufactured by using this techniques gives more Uv light protection.mainly titanium dioxide is used in sunscreen lotions.

7.vehicle designImage result for nanotechnology application

mainly to decrease weight of aeroplanes by combining nanoparticles in aluminium compound which increases strength and decrease weight and altimately decrease in fuel consumption.

8.for medical purpose

to know person suffering from pain ,stress,diseases by just sending few nano sensors into body and monitor exact conditions.

9.In designing high quality weapons.
 No more progress as expected by aim of this is to make more powerful with low weight and resist to all conditions.

10.catalytic process

in order to increase the rate of chemical reaction by incresing surface area of obsorbant .

France research lab has conducted expriement of conversion of carbon dioxide to use full compounds and got a solution in order to decrease environment pollution.

 Found that methanol is prepared from carbon dioxide which can be ued as fuel instead of petroleum compound.
field has huge impact by combing nanoparticles with cement ,steel to give high strength.
12.paintings and wall coatings.Image result for nanotechnology application

in order to heal the area of coating caused due to temperature,rain,pollutants in air
this anoparticles combined which give self healing property thereby losts longer. protecting buildings from fire known as fire resistant and skratch resistant. games and sports kit make light weight and sweet proof,high strength and durability to some objects.

15. mainly used in communication 

Nano sensors were used to make home really smart by monitoring outside weather ,diagnose persons behaviour and show on screens automatically.
 This decreases the privacy of a person in turn.

When high nanoparticles enters into human body which may cause huge adverse effects.
  Even many fields are being able to use this technology by varying methods.

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