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Monday, October 23, 2017


HAWAII ISLAND FORMATION-ONE OF THE AMAZING THINGS IN EARTH.Image result for hawaiian island formation history
  This hawaii islands are located in northern pacific ocean covering 3,600 miles long.
 These are highly studied under volcanic eruptions.
 Hawaii archipelago are formed due to volcanic eruptions from the volcanic hotspots that are located at depth around 10000 meters deep in north pacific ocean.

 Over millions of years ago many volcanic eruptions had taken place.The magma that is erupted as seamounts and atolls reach surface from depth and forms as huge tectonic plates(hawaii archipelago) which moves towards northwest of pacific ocean.Image result for hawaiian island formation history
 As time progress,this  plates form chain links and restructured as a huge surface plates covering entire north west pacific area.
  Many volcanoes are still been active even now and erupting thousands of tons of magma into the surface which cools down and forming seamount chain.
  The early Hawaiians thought and recognized that age of volcanoes increases as they move towards northwest.Image result for hawaiian island formation history
 this helps geologists to calculate the speed of motion of this volcanic plates with difference in the ages.
  This entire erupted semounts from group of hawaii hotspots consists of 
7,50,000 square kilometers which took around 85 million years to settle.
 The youngest ones of all those seamount named LOIHI will probably become new island after millions of years.
 Many theories have been proposed till now to explain the formation of Hawaii archipelago.Among them most popular ones are
1.Stationary hotspot theory of wilson
2.moving hotspot theory.
3.shallow hot spot hypothesis
4.ancient hawaiian theoryImage result for hawaiian island formation history
 The most convincing way to explain about formation of hawaiian plates is
 the upper layer of earth crust are not evenly distributed which in turn always adjusts itself due to earths rotation which causes the upper layer crust of earth to move.
 This movement of layers causes disturbances and create space inbetween them.
 One layer of earth surface enters into another which raises the height of land mass and create even more spaces in between.The temperature inside those layers increased and any volcanic spots present in between faces huge pressure due to overlapping of layers and the spaces in between are filled with this volcanic matter waiting for its eruption.When surface of volcanic spot become thin or even a small earthquakes occur near volcanic spots makes volcano burst and release huge amount magma from it.
 This takes millions of years and finally as well known hawaii archipelago type islands are formed.Image result for hawaiian island formation history
 The one stated above even is the hypothesis not approved yet.
These hawaii islands are well known for the tourist spots makes US government earn millions of dollars from it .
 Many volcanic hotspots are extincted but few of them are still erupting contains less seamounts.
 But who knows may be there is a volcano hotspot waiting under the deep ocean to erupt creating huge pressure on oceans which in turn causes tsunamis and makes over life threaten.
 The magma mainly consisted of elements such as strontium-niobium-palladium in different propositions.
 The study about these hotspots present in hawaii makes clear of how volcanoes are formed on earth.

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