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Thursday, October 19, 2017


All you wanted to definitely know the exact strategy 
of how i made my blog success with 1000+ views 
in less than 30 hours of time of my blog creation.
 If i guess correct you are on the right track looking
at this article.Image result for new bloggers 2017
 Please make some time to read the entire article
atleast twice if you are new to blogging and who 
are in same aspect of blogging for months without 
crossing few hundreds of viewers.
 So i wanna tell you about myself first.
I just heard about blogging only just few weeks ago.
Before that i used to publish articles for freely 
in name of an unknown author.
Learning new things is always my concern.
So i started reading my articles and wikipedia
source articles a lot.Even i always spent many hours
in front of my science books.
So definitely with the stuff that i gathered
i wanted to write as article writer to test my
grip in topics and even test  my writing skills.
I have published nearly 15 articles ranging
200-300 words in name of unknown author
before i used to think that many article writers
present in web can able to write betterarticles
than me.Image result for new bloggers 2017
So i thought not to publish on my name because
many will definitely going to comment on my article 
regarding my writing skills and content that i provide
to my viewers.
But now i got boost in confidence by looking at the
views that i made with my first blog having 1000+views
in less than 30 hours of my first blog creation.
  I know that i still lag in many areas providing 
rich content to my blog viewers and also error free
  Now let us come to the actual point of making
viewers to your blog in no time.
You may see many bloggers have daily views of
10,000+ and also there followers are even much more.
There earninga are even high around $10,000 dollars and 
you see even much more.Image result for new bloggers 2017
AND what about new bloggers ?
ARE they getting any sort of new viewers and increasing there TRAFFIC?
Is there any way to make money alike professional bloggers?

Let me tell you one thing. All the article regarding increase in viewers
in web are just useless .

1. I will explain this in detail.
Many articles tells you about making more views to your blog.
And you have read all those articles in web,
But do you really make more views with their strategy they provided?
According to me,a blogger is one who posts good content to their viewers.

with his own ideas he should  make article or post complete.
Not just giving information about articles in blog post but
should even guide viewers to take right decision and also make
understand them concepts in articles with your 
unique style of presentation.
Image result for new bloggers 2017

2.The blog writer should know the concepts of articles in depth.
so that he may skip few unwanted aspects in his articles and make article 
even more interesting.
3. New bloggers do not look at traffic initially because it is 
not possible to know every new blogger regarding blog entirely 
and the tack ticks of to be played to get  more views initially. confident to post new articles with new content that comes
in your mind  and present those thoughts in new style.
5.Someone who's main intention is to post blog by writing content
that comes in mind while reading some topics can able to become good
6.One who aims at just making money does not survive longer in 
blogging field.
7.everyone should self motivated when few views comes to your blog.
8.Always ensure that your content is the one that comes as a thought 
in your mind and enlarge those those by learning more aspects
and combine those thoughts and aspects to make rich content.
9.If you are going to get traffic that's fine but when you are unable
to get more traffic to your blog be patient for atleast few months.
10.Try to write article post aiming at google search engine optimization
and make slight improvements accordingly by optimization 
techniques.Image result for new bloggers 2017
11.IF even this things does not work for you then follow this steps.
12.Ensure that you have very good social media connectivity such as
facebook,google plus,twitter,instagram and many more.
12.Use those social media platform and make your post known to 
everyone by posting and sharing with friends, family and even public.
13.Use best title that suits the blog post.
14.make sure you have search engine highlighted keywords in your content.
15.make appropriate tag line,headings and images and make it
attractive to read.
16.Every blog needs some time to get recogniced by people
so wait atleast 6 months before taking final decision to leave the blog
if not much traffic comes as expected.
17.Always update yourself by even reading articles present in wikipedia.
18.One who  gets enough traffic may try to get adsense account 
so that you may make money form it.
19.Always ensure that you have content describing about new things.
20.Make a habit of writing good comments of other blog post when it attracts you.
21.Write atleast one post daily so that your regular viewer make in conatct
with your blog always.Image result for new bloggers 2017
22.don"t believe some articles posts saying not to publish blog article everyday.
This can be applied for profeessional bloggers but not one to who struggles get traffic  
to get more traffic in blog.
23.make post always on keywords which highly searched in google.
24.When you spend for atleast 6-12 moths of time you probably know
what exact method to follow while blogging.
25.make good relation with others bloggers who are posting content
which are near your thoughts and get valuable suggestions from them.
26.make sure you have atleast 40 unique articles in your blog so that people 
may see posts what ever they like.
27.Interesting things are just around you.Implement better idea you got
in terms of content and publish it.
28.Just relax you now probably go idea  about me while writing contents in my blog and how i am likely to be.
29.keep in mind these things and proceed. 
30.provide all back links to the contents thereby reader may get additional stuff.

  have a nice time.good luck!

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