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Friday, October 20, 2017

Important points of BIG DATA

Important Points of BIG DATAImage result for big data
Everyone might be heard about the term big data which has very broad meaning
beyond what everyone has expected.
  This two words itself indicate that it has huge amount of data add we are going to deal with this sort of data.
  This data mainly refers for electronic digital data ones and not about any other stuff.
  even more precise to describe about term big data is mainly concerned about user data that stored in computer hard disk or ssd.Image result for big data analytics
 Big data refers to data stored as user details that is provided by user itself in many areas during account registration in various sites,apps,banks,socia media and many others
The data provided by the person are secured by those organisations but they utilize these data in a legal way.
  even the companies or organisations share these data for various reasons inorder to surve the user effectively.
  the data provided by user should not be used by organisations other than the terms of conditions they mentioned.
Image result for big data
 But in information age where data if free everywhere.Its important for organisations to secure this data at any cost.
the experts in system and data analysts are playing real tactics to get those information by making people believe that they only use those information and details for general purpose .

 In reality they are making and collecting and orderind a huge bunch of important points regarding the person who login as user in various organisation.
 To some extent they are collecting those information in a legit way and also in convincing way.
  The system analyst and big data analyst who is collecting those information try to get more and more important points regarding a user.Image result for big data
so that they get an overall understanding of a person who really he is.
  The information collected even surve  data analyst to amke very good strategy about a person and what he is actually.
  Every entity that the user gives to different organisation such as google,facebook,sites,paypal ,banks,and many more can be ordered and merged by collecting those information from differnt sites and making a bunch of points about user.
 with the information gathered by an data analyst ,the data analyst even comes to know persns details such as 
address of the person.his interests,and his search keywords in different search engines .
  By elaborating all those things the analyst knows what sort of job or education he is currently indulged in.Image result for big data analytics
  With those data the data analyst comes to know what the interest and hobbies of person and also what the person currently looking at 
  Is the person or user looking to buy a car,or wanted to construct house,or the person wanted to go abroad ,or the person wants to know more about technology and much more cn be gathered by an data expert.
   with this big amount of data he collected the data analyst provide this information to advertising companies so that the companies tries to sell products such as cars,paints, books,materials ,home appliances, and much more.
  The demand for data analyst is growing now a days .typical salary of data analyst is around $100000-$120000.Image result for big data analytics
 So it good to start as an data analyst as their ones profession.

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