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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

our life
Life is a roller coaster ride. Don't know the next turn and still have the pain of going down and excitement of what is coming next while going up. Relationship with ourselves plays the biggest role, here. As we remain calm and distract ourselves from downs of life, it gives the view that from above or being up is actually nicer, as we go up from down. Someone said take life as it comes. What if life won't give as you wanted to take it, would you quit? But quitting cannot be the solution. Facing the problem should be the only option and that too without lifelines, like we have in KBC, LOL!! Some fortunate have friends and family.
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But do we have enough courage to take difficult step and MOVE ON. That is actually the biggest doubt. Life isn't fair to everyone. We all have faced our own downs, some people come out stronger but few quit either life or relationship with work or the person who is the creating problem. Life gives challenges at every step to everyone and we don't know how to solve that most of the times. We do not try to understand any other perspective of that tough time that comes to make us stronger. By perperspective i mean view to see the problem or situation with different angle.Image result for life ups and downs
Life is hell if you see it like that or even can be heaven too. It depends on how you take up the challenges. Also, each one of us has different problems and so different solutions. Always remember that just like Maths, life problems also have solutions.
All this makes sense if you find a single hope that solution of that problem is not far from your reach. You still can make best out of whatever little you have n can stay a little happy after the challenge is over.  Live life not as it comes but wisely so that you are aware of how to solve the next big challenge that is thrown. You have choices ( to live or quit life or reationship) and your priorities (to change ourselves or others) which keeps changing. So CHANGE WITHIN FIRST ! 
Even though change is not what you like but u have to inherit to turn around the situation and hit on the right spot, so that you never have to face the same problem again. Tough are the times not the LIFE. Times will come and go but what remains is a true attitude to face it, if it comes again.

Tough time ends when you try to find the ways!!

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